We transform your experience as National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) service providers and funding recipients to overcome compliance and plan management pressures and maximise benefits.
We provide services to disability service providers as well as to participants or funding recipients.
New Organisations Entering the Disability Sector Requiring NDIS Registration
Existing Providers Moving into NDIS and Requiring to Register
Existing Providers Needing to Renew NDIS Registration
Providers Requiring to Meet NDIS Audit Standards
Fully Operational Organisations with a Single Outlet Requiring Governance Advice and Training for Continuous Compliance
Fully Operational Organisations with Multiple Outlets Requiring Governance Advice and Training for Continuous Compliance
New entrants to the Scheme requiring Plan Management Living at Home
New entrants to the Scheme Requiring Plan Management Living in a Facility
Currently Self Managed Funding Recipients Living at Home Requiring Plan Management
Currently Self Managed Funding Recipients Living in a Facility Requiring Plan Management
We transform your NDIS experience and free
you of stress, anxiety, confusion and time through
tailored and agile NDIS compliance and plan
management services, delivered in a cost efficient
and timely manner with subject matter expertise,
empathy and service excellence.
Janaki Ramachandran founded Facilitrade in September 2000. Working on policies and service improvement in the Ageing, Disability, Home Care and Aboriginal Housing sectors since 2006, she is passionate about servicing marginalised communities fairly and with respect. Following her career as a director of Amnesty International NSW in the early 90s and membership since, she brings the ethos of human rights to her professional services as she strongly believes that this value is important for this sector.
In recent years seeing the disability sector experience immense confusion, discontent, delays, unfairness and even increasing legal action with government services, Janaki has moved to service this sector. Her thorough knowledge of this sector backed by extensive experience in Governance, ground-breaking Business Strategies and Plan Management make Facilitrade an outstanding choice for governance and funds management services.
Facilitrade is acclaimed for its holistic understanding of NDIS having been involved in the Scheme since its inception, and for servicing both NDIS providers and participants.
To providers we are able to understand and service your total business needs as we have a multi disciplinary background.
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American Express Australia Limited
Oracle Aconex
NSW Department of Family & Community Services
NSW Department of Ageing Disability and Home Care
NDIS Participant
January 2021
What is the quickest way for me to register with NDIA as a service provider?
The general tendency is to launch straight into the application process, The Commission estimates the average time taken to complete an application as 3 months. This indicates the level of details required from you. It is therefore best to prepare a Business Plan upfront and also gather all the documents you need to attach. Here are some hints:
What are the key steps I need to follow to register with NDIA as a service provider?
STEP 1. Complete the online application form
STEP 2. Select an approved quality auditor
STEP 3. Undergo an audit
Usually there is a lot of toing and froing from auditors with queries, so stand by to respond to auditor’s queries and provide any additional information required. The auditor will submit the outcome of their audit to the NDIS Commission through an online portal.
STEP 4. NDIS Commission assesses your application and makes a decision
In assessing your registration application, the NDIS Commission will consider the outcomes of the audit and conduct a suitability assessment of your organisation and key personnel. The Commission could request additional information. Their response times vary.
STEP 5. Receive your application outcome
Successful applicants will receive a certificate of registration outlining the services or supports you are registered to provide, the period of registration, and any conditions you must follow to keep your registration.
STEP 6. Get Access to the NDIS Commission Portal
Use your NDIS Registration Number to set up the NDIS Commission Portal. The portal is used to renew registration, update registration details, add or remove registration groups, notify the NDIS Commission of changes and events, submit behaviour support plans and incident reports, report uses of unauthorised practice, etc.
Are you grappling with the Self-Assessment section in your NDIS registration application right now?
Most applicants find it challenging to describe the service outcomes required in the Self-Assessment. This is because service outcomes are based on your policies and procedures but at this stage you may not think these policies are required. However, these policies are checked at the time of the pre-registration audit which is mandatory.
Preparing the policies first before attempting the Self-Assessment not only makes the process easier for you but will ensure that your Self-Assessment responses correspond with what you state in your policies and procedures, often a sticky point with the auditors. It is therefore an investment worth making before the application as attaching the policies to the application minimises audit queries and reduces audit time and thereby costs.
As a participant what are your benefits of having your NDIS plan managed by an NDIS registered Plan Manager?
√ Your Plan Manager will take away all the pressure involved in the overall management of your NDIS plan
√ A better understanding of the provisions of the Scheme and your entitlements
√ Maximum benefit from funds allocated to you
√ Frees you of the time commitment in reconciling invoices, paying them and getting reimbursed from NDIS
√ Quicker turnaround times to develop service agreements, claim payments from NDIA and pay providers
√ Regular monthly statements
√ Assistance to select service providers
√ Help you to develop your capabilities to self-manage your plan in future, where this is possible
√ You won’t need to pay any money out of your own pocket for plan management, as funds will be included in your NDIS plan. Funding of up to $1,435 is available to set up plan management in your NDIS plan if you choose this method of management.
We would love to hear from you. Simply send us
your enquiry/meeting request and we will respond
as soon as possible.
CAll Us today0418266584
do you have a question? enquiries@facilitrade.com.au
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